Apps are now built to work as part of distributed systems more so than single installations. Apps run as services that depend on the infrastructure that runs in the cloud, or maybe a data center, or in both. These databases must have the ability to scale, always be available, and have no lag in the performance of managing untold amounts of unstructured data. The demands on these apps speak to a shift that means less relevance for relational databases, and the rise of NoSQL as a means for managing unstructured data.

But it’s a funny thing, sometimes, to know exactly what these databases are supposed to do, as there are several different types to choose from. Further, how do you understand how NoSQL gets adopted once the assessment is completed? Where will these technologies evolve to — what’s the maturity model?

It’s a subject that we will explore September 1 in a webinar with Basho Technologies, moderated by Alex Williams, founder and editor in chief at InApps Technology. The webinar will explore the NoSQL maturity model, which is also the subject of a white paper that will be provided to all registrants after the webinar.

The white paper covers how the massive amount of unstructured data affects the enterprise, why databases are right for high performance and how they solve the limitations that come with relational databases. There is a good section on understanding the different types of NoSQL databases, such as key/value store, document store, graph databases and column stores.

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The white paper explores the NoSQL maturity model, starting with assessment through to expansion, consolidation, orchestration and how to fully integrate NoSQL into an application stack. It dives a bit into how microservices become a way to connect the different components.

The white paper is designed to help people understand where they fit in the NoSQL world. It’s a journey some of the most high profile companies have taken: Airbnb, Spotify and companies like Uber and Square are the more well-known ones that have changed entire markets through their platforms meant for speed and efficiency. Those capabilities are increasingly getting adopted by companies in any industry imaginable. There’s the obvious reason why. It just accelerates business. And perhaps even more, helps companies compete more effectively when new players or existing competitors develop their own world-class technology platforms.

Basho is a sponsor of InApps Technology.

Feature image: “All Hurricane, All the Time (after Hokusai)” by Mike Licht is licensed under CC BY 2.0.