This Week in News: Oracle’s Autonomous Database, InfluxData’s Timely One

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Hello, welcome to InApps Context podcast, where we review the week’s hottest news in cloud-native technologies and at-scale application development as well as look ahead to topics we expect will gain more attention in coming weeks.

This week we were busy reporting on events in New York, starting with Oracle’s Cloud Day event on Monday where we got an update on the cloud provider’s autonomous services. On Tuesday we also attended Influx Days, the user conference for time-series database provider InfluxDB.

We’ll also discuss a fascinating article provided to us this week by Twistlock’s John Morello, which tackles an issue that many of Twistlock’s customers are facing. They want to know how to choose between the different cloud-native technologies for workload deployment and management.

To make the decision a little easier, Morello places cloud-native technologies along a continuum that goes from virtual machines (VM) on the left to containers in the middle, to serverless on the right. The choice you make ultimately depends on the advantages and tradeoffs of each tool, and Twistlock is finding that many customers are using at least a few of these tools simultaneously.


  • The Continuum of Cloud-Native Topologies
  • Oracle Promises Self-Securing, Self-Repairing Autonomous Cloud Services
  • The RED Method: A New Approach to Monitoring Microservices
  • The History of the Service Mesh
  • The Blueprint for Developers to Get Started with Machine Learning
Read More:   5 Things You Didn’t Know About Open Policy Agent – InApps Technology 2022

Buoyant, The Cloud Native Computing Foundation, InfluxData, Oracle, and Twistlock are sponsors of InApps.

Feature image: InfluxData CEO Paul Dix, speaking at Influx Days.