The Node.js Foundation published its third annual user survey based on 1,626 members of the Node community. In the future, we will look at the package managers and languages these developers are using. For now, readers will be interested to see the types of infrastructure that are most often used by with Node.js.

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It is not surprising that React is by far the most used front-end framework. In second place is jQuery, which is often not considered in the same category as Angular and Vue. It is noteworthy that 40 percent of respondents had used either Angular or Angular2. Since it is InApps Technology, we feel obliged to report on the containers and cloud-native chart. Here are a few data points:

  • Among the Node.js community, 48 percent use Docker, but “only” 12 percent use Kubernetes. Digging deeper, only 5 percent of those Kubernetes users don’t use Docker. That compares to 23 percent of the Docker users that also use Kubernetes.
  • Thirty-five percent of Docker using respondents also use a serverless functions-as-a-service offering (FaaS) offering. In comparison, 61 percent of the FaaS using group also utilize Docker.
  • Overall, twice as many use containers vs a serverless compute solution (48 percent vs 28 percent). Note that InApps Technology analyzed the raw data and counted anyone using a FaaS solution (AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions or Apache OpenWhisk) as a serverless user.
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