It is really important to balance in your life as well as to achieve something balancing and management for a working person. Here let’s know about someone who balances her professional life. The social life too and also know her tips to manage both lives and enjoy them happily like her.
Olive Jennifer a Project manager, is known by her friends and acquaintances as being “that girl”. — the one who travels and she is a woman-about-town, yet manages to run her own successful project managing company.
After completing her graduation, she becomes joins event management company. Where she learns and builds herself as a project manager. also, she opens her branch in London. As well as, very short with lots of hard work and separate herself from her social life she explores her career so amazing. It around 2-3 years even she establish her company and lead all the responsibilities her own. She never compromises with her professional life.
Once her friend Jon suggest her to be socialized as “social media is a big and huge platform to spread her business as well as she’s such a leading project manager in this small age of 27years, people should know about you”
Here she shares six tips on how to balance a good work-life, without ruining your social life.

To chill and work- get a mobile
- One also reminds “Work doesn’t always have to happen from behind a desk,” says Olive. “Use mobile technology to allow you to unplug as well as spend an afternoon working from your favorite cafe, local park or cottage dock,” she suggests. Manage thing from phone also helpful.
- Secondly, by putting yourself in comfortable surroundings you feel like more productive and – thoughtful and innovate more ideas for your projects you’re working — you’ll feel like you’ve fit in the surrounding as well as the work field.
Give yourself a vacation
- “Sometimes it’s difficult to leave work for an extended vacation but give yourself at least one vacation as well as try more frequent too but shorter getaways to get the break you need without having to vacate the office for long periods of time,” said by her.
- To maintain your mind and relaxed from work but work also important to so try to balance and click the picture and upload it on Instagram and Facebook, share with your friends.
- Sound too pricey? Olive has another go-to suggestion: “Turn weekends into mini-vacation and recharge yourself and do something exciting like outdoor adventure or enjoy the concert of your favorite singer, dancer and don’t forget the band,” she says.
Have a Mixture of Business And Pleasure
- “There are plenty of options to fill a social calendar,” or “Network at industry business and entertaining clients.” She said.
- Events like these — where you’re surrounded by like-minded people — are great ways to meet people and expand your social circle, especially if you’re single and don’t have the time to search for a partner. Just remember to always carry some business cards with you.
A Work Skill Into A Personal Project
- “A great communicator? Like planning events? Good with numbers? Nothing feels better than extending your work skills to a cause that inspires you,” she said.
- “I take the time because I think we have a responsibility to leverage the skills as well as the success we have here to facilitate opportunities for young women around the world,” she explains,
- Inspires and mobilize a future generation of young leaders.
Socialize With Co-Workers Is Have Fun
- “Create a balance between work and your social life by finding fun ways. To interact face to face with colleagues outside the office,” says Olive.
- Secondly, not an active type? Why not go for work drinks or host a dinner party at the workplace. This will make you & your employees are more comfortable excited about going into work which betters your relationships. Be socialize with your colleagues.
Yeah! Let’s Celebrate The Success
- “There’s no point in working hard and achieving success. If you can’t celebrate the fruits of your labor,” says Olive happily.
- “A little as well as carve out a night a week to celebrate with like-minded friends. Learning the secrets to their success over cocktails!” suggests Olive. Which meet you to your social world.
Let’s create the next big thing together!
Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.