app development common risk and solution

There are 5 big risks that we have to deal with while developing any app product, and here are solutions for those challenges

When it comes to developing new app products, we might face common issues during the development of products. We will introduce you the risks and solutions for those matters in this blog post.

1. The Use of App Products

Do you know that user can choose about 2.8 million applications on Android Store and 2.2 million applications on App Store in March 2017? Definitely, not all of these apps are popular and being in use. Again and again, products are made for issues that never exist. Which lead companies to broke by providing mobile products that have no customers to serve.

Therefore, the very first step of developing a product should identify the problems you want to solve. This problem must be the problem that actually faced by many people. There are many problems that we might think serious, but other tons of people think they are fine. The useful idea is more important than a beautiful idea.

2. The Number of Customers

One of the hugest difficulties we might face is to gain the appropriate fans for your mobile product or app. It is necessary to know who would be your customer and whether a practical number of possibilities would turn to your customers once your product is operating. This is a step many people miss out and end up making products with no one to buy them and then trying to convince people to buy their product.

Before setting out on a product development adventure, it is essential to know who would buy your product. Without the suitable customers, your product would not amount up to much. Once you know your customers, you can set your mind on other risks.

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3. Amount of investment

too high or too low both are not good on the investment. When a project is too high on investment, it might take a lot of time to cover up the costs of mobile app development. When a project is too low on investment, the quality of the project would be under quality that it must have.

Create a balance in the amount of investment made to develop your product. Investing just the right amount of money to develop the product would ensure that the product’s costs are recovered timely and also that the product will be of good quality. This may be a decisive factor in your product’s success.

4. Duration of the mobile app development

While the products are unique, the problem area isn’t. If the mobile app developers take too long to create the product, chances are that there might be a lot of products regarding your problem area already. This would make penetrating into the market difficult since the existing products might have created a goodwill for themselves.

Try to complete the development of the product in a fixed amount of time set after considering how much time the development of the product should take and adding some extra time in case of unforeseen problems coming up during the development of the product. If you plan to outsource your app development, you need to know how to get the benefits from app development outsourcing service

5. Marketing the product

People perceive that marketing of the mobile product is something that is to be thought about after the product has been released. This causes the product to reach out to potential customers late. Hence the profits don’t start rolling soon.

Marketing of the product must start much before the product is released. This intrigues the audience and creates a buzz in the audience. This step sieves the potential customers to provide you with the right customers for your product.

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I am Tam, Founder & CEO of InApps Technology, ranked 1st in Vietnam and 5th in Southeast Asia in Application Development and Custom Software Development. We build a team with a people-centered culture that serves our customers with the WOW experience. I have helped hundreds of startups and brands to succeed with our robust technology solution. Besides, I have 5,000+ connections with C-Levels on LinkedIn and 10,000+ other professionals in communities. I hope to bring BIG VALUES to our right partners and customers. What I can help: – World-class software development service. – Building a dedicated talent team for only 30% of your local vendors’ cost. – Consulting tech startup solutions comprehensively and systematically. – Growth-hacking marketing solution. If you read here, don’t hesitate to contact me for further advice.

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