The e-commerce industry continues to thrive, and Shopify remains a popular platform for businesses of all sizes. As of 2024, there are 2.14 billion online shoppers. This means there’s a consistent need for skilled developers who can create, customize, and optimize Shopify stores.

shopify customer statistics

Shopify customer statistics. Source: Demandsage

While Shopify offers a user-friendly interface, many businesses require more advanced features and customizations that only a developer can provide. This demand, combined with the increasing complexity of e-commerce, ensures that Shopify developers remain in high demand.

This guide explores the benefits of hiring offshore Shopify developers, key considerations, how to find and hire them, and cost factors to help you make an informed decision. Whether you’re looking for junior, senior, or expert Offshore Shopify Developers, this blog empowers you to find the right people to your team.

1. Benefits of Hiring Offshore Shopify Developers

1.1 Cost Efficiency

The cost of living varies significantly across different countries, which directly impacts the salaries of developers. For instance, a Shopify developer in the United States may charge an average of $80 to $150 per hour, whereas a developer in India or Vietnam might charge between $20 to $50 per hour for similar expertise and quality of work.

In addition to lower hourly rates, offshore Shopify hiring can lead to cost savings in other areas such as infrastructure, training, and benefits. By leveraging the expertise of offshore developers, businesses can avoid the expenses associated with setting up additional workstations, providing health benefits, and conducting extensive training programs. These savings can be substantial, especially for SMEs.

1.2 Access to Global Shopify Talents

Local hiring can restrict you to a smaller pool of talent, especially if the local tech industry is not very large. In a smaller city, there might be few Shopify experts, leading to longer hiring times and potential compromises on quality. By hiring offshore Shopify developers, you tap into a global talent pool. This means you can find highly skilled offshore Shopify developers from various parts of the world.

Moreover, offshore developers generally charge lower rates. By hiring an offshore team in Vietnam, the company saved 50% on development costs. Besides, many offshore development centers specialize in e-commerce platforms like Shopify. This focus allows them to build deep expertise in specific areas such as custom theme development and app integrations. These firms often stay updated with the latest trends, tools, and best practices in Shopify development, so hiring offshore Shopify developers from these agencies will add expertise and boost progress.

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1.3 Round-the-Clock Productivity

With offshore developers in different time zones, your project can benefit from round-the-clock productivity. When your local team finishes their workday, your offshore team can pick up where they left off. For example, a tech company in the U.S. worked with an offshore Shopify team in Vietnam. By coordinating their schedules, they managed to have a 24-hour development cycle. This setup allowed them to launch new features and updates twice as fast as their competitors

2. Key Considerations When Hiring Offshore Shopify Developers

Key Considerations When Hiring Offshore Shopify Developers

2.1 Communication despite time zone issues

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful project. The challenge with hiring offshore Shopify developers is that time zone differences can disrupt communication. It’s like trying to coordinate a meeting with someone on the other side of the world. You might miss important calls or updates because you’re sleeping while they’re working

In the long run, real-time communication will be difficult. Issues or questions raised during one team’s working hours might not be addressed immediately by offshore Shopify developers due to time zone differences. Coordinating meetings, deadlines, and updates across different time zones can be complex and time-consuming.


  • Establish clear communication protocols.
  • Use project management tools (Trello, Asana, Jira) to track progress/updates real-time
  • Hold regular check-ins (video calls, instant messaging).
  • Schedule overlapping work hours for meetings.

2.2 Quality Assurance

When your Shopify development team is thousands of miles away, you might wonder if they are following best practices and maintaining your standards. The lack of physical presence can sometimes lead to a disconnect in expectations and deliverables. Additionally, differences in educational backgrounds and professional experiences can result in varying levels of code quality.


  • Set clear quality standards.
  • Regular code reviews using version control systems like GitHub or Bitbucket
  • Automated testing using Selenium and Jenkins
  • Detailed documentation.

2.3 Cultural Fit and Work Ethic

Working with offshore Shopify developers from a different cultural background means navigating differences in communication styles, approaches to problem-solving, and attitudes toward deadlines. For example, while some cultures prioritize direct communication, others may be more indirect.

Additionally, differing views on work-life balance and holidays can impact project timelines and productivity. For example, teams in the US prioritize individual achievement and long work hours while the European teams typically value work-life balance and extended holidays.

3. How to Find and Hire Offshore Shopify Developers

How to Find and Hire Offshore Shopify Developers

3.1 Define Your Project Requirements

Before you start searching for offshore Python developers, you must understand what your project needs. This involves detailing the scope, objectives, and specific skills required for your Shopify store development.

Start by creating a comprehensive project brief. This should include:

  • Project Scope: Outline what you need—whether it’s a complete Shopify store setup, custom theme development, app integration, or ongoing maintenance.
  • Objectives: Define your business goals, such as improving user experience, increasing sales, or integrating specific functionalities.
  • Skills Required: List the technical skills needed, such as proficiency in Liquid (Shopify’s templating language), HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and experience with Shopify APIs.
  • Timeline: Establish a realistic timeline for each phase of the project, including milestones and deadlines.
  • Budget: Determine your budget for the project, keeping in mind the cost differences between local and offshore developers.
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3.2 Research Potential Vendors That Provide Offshore Shopify Developers

There are 3 potential vendors where you can hire quality offshore Shopify developers.

Offshore Development Centers

These are large companies or agencies that provide end-to-end development services. They have an external development team, project managers, and other resources dedicated to software development. Besides, they offer flexible hiring models, allowing you to scale the team up or down based on project needs. However, it can be more expensive compared to hiring Shopify freelancers alone, so if you have a limited budget, check third the second vendor.

Talent Matching Websites

These platforms, like Toptal,, and, vet developers and match them with clients based on project requirements. This translates to a faster hiring process and the flexibility to engage developers on a project-by-project basis. However, the curated nature comes at a cost. You can expect to pay a premium compared to traditional freelance platforms. Additionally, the selection of developers might be smaller, limiting your choices. Finally, some platforms might have stricter contract terms and conditions that could impact your flexibility.

Freelance Websites

Freelance platforms like Upwork and Fiverr offer a vast pool of developers at competitive rates. You can find talent for almost any project. However, the downside is a wider range of skill levels, making it harder to ensure quality. Communication can also be a challenge due to language and time zone differences.

3.3 Assess Technical and Soft Skills

Here’s a closer look at how to assess them.
  • Technical Assessments: Conduct coding tests or technical interviews to evaluate their proficiency in Shopify and relevant technologies. Tools like HackerRank or Codility can be useful for standardized assessments.
  • Soft Skills Evaluation: During interviews, assess their ability to communicate clearly, solve problems effectively, and adapt to your project’s needs. Scenario-based questions can help gauge their problem-solving skills and approach to challenges.

4. How much do offshore Shopify developers charge?

The cost of hiring offshore Shopify developers varies significantly based on several factors:

4.1 Geographic location

Offshore Shopify developers from countries with lower labor costs, such as India, the Philippines, or Eastern Europe, generally charge less than those from Western countries. Shopify developers in Australia and North America charge the most per hour. Western Europe is slightly cheaper. Developers in Eastern Europe, South America, Asia, and Africa usually have lower rates.

How much do offshore Shopify developers charge according to regions

How much do offshore Shopify developers charge according to regions?

4.2 Experience level

Senior offshore Shopify developers with extensive experience command higher rates than junior developers. Junior developers often charge $20-$50 per hour and are ideal for basic tasks. Mid-level offshore shopify developers, with more experience, charge $50-$100 per hour. Senior developers, commanding $100-$200+ per hour, are best suited for advanced customizations and complex projects.

How much do offshore Shopify developers charge according to experience

How much do offshore Shopify developers charge according to experience?

4.3 Project complexity

Custom development projects requiring complex integrations or features typically cost more than basic theme customizations. Basic changes, like layout changes, color scheme updates, and minor feature adjustments can cost between $1,000 and $5,000. Meanwhile, complex integrations like CRM systems, ERP software, and custom-built Shopify apps often cost between $15,000 and $50,000 or more.

4.4 Engagement model

Hourly rates, fixed-price projects, or dedicated teams can impact the overall cost of hiring offshore Shopify developers.

Hourly Rates are ideal for projects with undefined scopes or those requiring ongoing support and updates. Rates of offshore Shopify developers typically range from $20 to $100 per hour.

In comparison, fixed-price projects are best suited for well-defined projects with clear requirements and deliverables. In this model, the cost is agreed upon upfront, based on the project’s scope and complexity. For example, a company needing a custom Shopify app might agree on a fixed price of $10,000.

Lastly, dedicated teams involve hiring a team of offshore Shopify developers who work exclusively on your project for a specified period. This model is beneficial for long-term projects or ongoing development needs. Costs can vary based on team size, expertise, and duration of the engagement.

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