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  • Hire Online Developers From Software Outsourcing Companies

Are you considering hiring online developers but unsure of the best approach? Hiring from an outsourcing agency can offer numerous advantages. In this blog, we will explore the benefits if you hire online developers from outsourcing company, different engagement models, and a step-by-step process to hire the right talent for your projects.

Discover how to make informed decisions that save you time, money, and ensure high-quality outcomes. Let’s dive in!

1. Benefits of Hiring Online Developers From Outsourcing Agency

1.1 Cost-Effectiveness

Outsourcing is when a company hires another company or individual to perform tasks that could be done in-house. For example, instead of hiring a full-time developer who works in your office, you might hire a developer from an outsourcing agency in Vietnam who works remotely. This approach is cost-effective for several reasons below.

One significant benefit of hiring online developers from an outsourcing agency is lower labor costs. For instance, if you hire a developer in the United States, you might pay $100,000 per year. However, hiring a skilled developer from an outsourcing agency in a country with lower living costs, like Vietnam or India, might cost only $30,000 per year. This substantial saving helps companies allocate their budgets more efficiently.

Additionally, there is no need for office space when you hire online developers. When you hire in-house staff, you need to provide them with office space, equipment, and other facilities, which can be very expensive. For example, renting office space, buying desks, computers, and paying for utilities can add up to thousands of dollars every month. With online developers, these costs are eliminated as they work remotely, further enhancing cost-effectiveness.

1.2 Rigorous QA

One issue with hiring online developers from freelance platforms is that there’s no guarantee they will commit to your project and take responsibility for their work. Additionally, there’s no one managing these developers to ensure they deliver the quality you need. This is where hiring from an outsourcing agency becomes valuable.

Learn more: 13 Sites To Help You Hire The Right Remote Developers Fast

Outsourcing agencies have structured processes for rigorous quality assurance. They have experienced project managers and QA teams who oversee the work of developers to ensure it meets the required standards. For example, if you hire a freelance developer, you might face issues with missed deadlines or subpar work. However, an outsourcing agency monitors progress and performs regular quality checks, reducing the risk of these problems.

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Consider a scenario where you are developing a new mobile app. If you hire online android developers and they fail to deliver quality work, you might have to spend additional time and money fixing issues. In contrast, an outsourcing agency would have a QA team that catches these issues early, ensuring the final product is up to standard. This not only saves you time and money but also ensures a smoother development process.

Moreover, outsourcing agencies often have a pool of skilled developers, so if one developer cannot meet the project requirements, they can quickly replace them with another qualified professional. This flexibility ensures that your project continues without significant delays, providing peace of mind that your investment is protected.

1.3 Long-Term Partnerships and Support

ongoing support when hiring online developers from outsourcing agency

You’ll receive ongoing support when hiring online developers from outsourcing agency

When you hire online developers from an outsourcing agency that delivers great work and understands your project needs, it makes sense to continue working with them on future projects. This continuity ensures that you don’t have to search for new partners each time you have a new project, saving time and resources.

For instance, imagine you’ve successfully developed a mobile app with an outsourcing agency. The agency’s developers understand your business requirements, have a good grasp of your preferred working style, and have already demonstrated their ability to deliver high-quality work. When it’s time to update the app or start a new project, you can easily return to the same agency. This familiarity streamlines the process.

Having a long-term partnership with an outsourcing agency also means you benefit from consistent support. If any issues arise with the software, the same remote team that built it can quickly address the problems. Their remote developers are already familiar with the codebase and the project specifics, making troubleshooting faster and more efficient.

2. Engagement Models To Hire Online Developers at Outsourcing Agency

2.1. Dedicated Team Model

In this model, you hire a team of online developers who work exclusively on your project. This team acts as an extension of your in-house team. For example, a fintech company hires a dedicated team to build and maintain its mobile banking app. The team works exclusively on this project, adapting to the company’s specific needs and integrating seamlessly with its existing operations.


  • Full Control: You manage the team directly and decide on their tasks and priorities.
  • Consistency: The same team works on your project throughout, ensuring consistency and deep understanding of your requirements.
  • Scalability: Easy to scale the team up or down based on project needs.

2.2. Time and Material Model

In the time and material approach, you pay for the actual time and resources spent on your project. This model is flexible and adapts to changes in project scope or requirements. An e-commerce startup wants to develop a new feature for its website but isn’t sure about the specifics. They hire online developers under the time and material model, allowing them to adjust the feature as new ideas and needs emerge.

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  • Flexibility: Ideal for projects with evolving requirements or unclear scopes.
  • Transparency: You only pay for the work done, with detailed billing based on hours worked and materials used.
  • Adaptability: Easy to make changes to the project without renegotiating the contract.

3. Fixed Price Model

Engaging in fixed price model means that you agree on a fixed price for the entire project before it begins. The scope, timeline, and costs are defined upfront. This approach is best fit for projects with clearly defined requirements. A healthcare provider needs a patient management system. They outline all requirements and agree on a fixed price with the outsourcing agency before any work is done.


  • Budget Certainty: No unexpected costs, making it easier to plan your budget.
  • Clear Deadlines: Defined timelines ensure the project is completed on schedule.
  • Less Management: The outsourcing agency manages the project, reducing your oversight.

4. Hybrid Model

Lastly, the Hybrid model combines elements of the dedicated team, time and material, and fixed price models. It provides a customized approach to suit specific project needs. An example of this is when a large enterprise wants to develop a new software product. They start with a dedicated team for initial research and development, switch to a fixed price model for the core development, and use time and material for ongoing maintenance and updates.


  • Customization: Tailored to fit unique project requirements.
  • Best of Both Worlds: Combines the flexibility of time and material with the budget certainty of fixed price.
  • Optimized Resource Use: Efficient allocation of resources based on project phases.

Explore: Popular Software Outsourcing Models Compared – How to Choose the Best One in 2024?

3. Process To Hire Online Developers

3.1 Send a Request for Proposal (RFP) To Hire Online Developers

The first step in hiring online developers from an outsourcing agency is to send Request for Proposal (RFP). It’s important to include key elements such as a project overview, scope of work, timeline, budget, and evaluation criteria. For instance, if you need a mobile app, your RFP might describe the desired features, the expected launch date, and the budget range.

Example: “We are seeking a mobile app development team to create an e-commerce platform within a 6-month timeline and a budget of $50,000.”

Once your RFP is ready, send it to the agencies you have shortlisted via email, live chat or website and wait for their responses. They usually take only a few hours to get back to you.

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3.2 Evaluate Proposals

After sending out your RFP, you will receive proposals from various agencies. Pay close attention to:

  • Rate Comparison: Look at the pricing structure. Does the agency charge a flat fee, hourly rate, or have a milestone-based payment plan?
  • Timeline: Evaluate how long each agency estimates the project will take. Consider your deadlines and whether their timeline aligns with your needs.
  • Approach and Strategy: Assess how well their proposed approach fits with your vision and requirements.

After evaluation, you’ll gain further insights into the pros and cons of each proposal. It could be something like agency A might propose a quicker timeline but at a higher cost, while Agency B might offer a more detailed approach but take longer.

3.3 Interview Potential Remote Developers

Once you have narrowed down your choices based on the proposals, ask your outsourcing partner to schedule interviews with your online developers whom you will be hiring to work on your project.

During the interviews, ask about their experience with similar projects, how they handle challenges, and their communication style. For instance, you might ask, “Can you describe a challenging project you worked on and how you overcame the obstacles?” This will help you gauge their problem-solving abilities and their compatibility with your working style.

3.4 Check Reviews on Reputable Review Platforms

To verify the credibility and reliability of the agencies, check reviews on reputable review platforms like Clutch, G2, etc. Look for feedback from past clients about the quality of work, adherence to timelines, communication, and any issues they encountered. These reviews can provide valuable insights into the agency’s performance and reliability.

For example, positive reviews mentioning successful project completions and good communication can reassure you about the agency’s reliability, while negative reviews can serve as red flags.

InApps Technology Reviews on Clutch

InApps Technology Reviews on Clutch

3.5 Finalize the Agreement

Once you have selected an agency, it’s time to finalize the agreement. Carefully review the contract to ensure it includes all agreed-upon details. Key elements to check for include the project scope, deadlines, payment terms, confidentiality clauses, and termination conditions.

Make sure the contract specifies a milestone payment upon the completion of the first phase of the project. This step ensures that both parties are clear on expectations and responsibilities, reducing the risk of misunderstandings later on.

3.6 Kick-Off the Project

With the agreement in place, hold a kick-off meeting to officially start the project. This meeting should include all key stakeholders and the development team. During the meeting, recap the project goals and expectations, review the timeline and key milestones, define roles and responsibilities, and establish a communication plan.

For example, you might schedule weekly progress meetings every Monday morning to review the previous week’s work and plan the upcoming week. This ensures you and your developers are on the same page and sets the tone for effective collaboration.

4. Hire Online Developers at InApps Technology

InApps offers middle to senior-level remote developers across various domains with rates starting from $1,900 to $3,300 monthly​​. Clients who hire online developers from us benefit from transparent cost management, customized solutions, and a commitment to long-term partnerships​​.

InApps Technology Reviews on Clutch

InApps Technology Reviews on Clutch Showcase Our Technical Expertise and Great Value For Money.

Our proven track record includes over 200 successful projects and 60+ global clients with a 98% satisfaction rate​​​​. These factors ensure high-quality, cost-effective development tailored to client needs. Hire Online Developers with us!

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