6 Questions Freelance Developers Should Ask Non-technical Clients – is an article many of you are most interested in today !! Today, let’s InApps.net learn 6 Questions Freelance Developers Should Ask Non-technical Clients – in today’s post !
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In the first place, plan the work you are thinking to do with the employees you hire, you need to have a good Skype session with them at first.
Including, to begin with, your first talk with a non-technical client, there are a number of questions you should ask them to see whether you’ll be able to have a successful working relationship with them or not
1. What plans do you have for the project?

If a
client has a serious project that has a chance of being completed, they will
have a plan in place, developed with the help of a software consultant.
It would be, addition to a business plan for a commercial product or the internal systems it will enhance.
Their plan should include:
· Probable screen mock-ups or user stories
· Many “clients” won’t be able to answer
all of these questions.
2. Have you set any features to build MVP?
Here, the focus of the projects is not always about completion.
As a result, the client runs out of funds,
Furthermore, they have furthermore no interest in the project
to go with a project that exists already
These things happen to ensure that your client isn’t left with anything to show for the partially-completed project, you can deliver their Minimum Viable Project.
3. Can you follow deadlines and work dedicatedly?
Once you
are clear of what you need to do at your part on the project, the first and
foremost thing that you need to be clear about is your deadlines.
Agile approach is best suited to freelance software development, but that
doesn’t mean that milestones can’t be set.
4. Talk about the money
paid is the most important thing everybody works for so discussing that is very
may be keen to go with the milestone approach as it is more flexible, you get
what you deliver.
You can
encourage your client to put you to an hourly rate.
5. Do you wish to learn various tools to ensure smooth functioning of the projects?
question really goes both ways. As a freelancer, you’ll have worked with a
multitude of project management tools with various clients. You’ll
probably have your favorites, like JIRA. Clients, however, might use their
own systems, such as Microsoft Project.
project management tools suit some projects better than others. For others,
it’ll be an automated management stack, such as Basecamp + Jira + Slack.
to a consensus on the project management stack is something you’ll need to work
out with the client. While you might be an ace at a tool, they may have zero
picking a tool the client already has experience and layering with your own
systems is an easier route.
Even if, you have no experience with the tool, it’s generally trivial for you to pick up a new tech than it is for your non-tech client.
6. Do you have a technical advisor that you could call on if needed?
This is
a great suggestion for a non-technical client.
If a
client has a technical consultant or advisor to call on, this person can help
be a go-between if necessary.
This way, they can be assured of your proficiency and planning, without trying to figure it out themselves.
Source: InApps.net
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